Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Intern

The intern is a situational office drama-comedy starring Robert de Niro as Ben Whittaker and Anne Hathaway as Jules Ostin. The film crafts the story of a retired senior executive whose wife passed away three years ago and he feels as though there is a void in his life (Robert De Niro) so gets back into work by interning at a women’s clothing startup (run by Anne Hathaway). De Niro’s portrayal of Whittaker shows a marked difference between some of his recent characters, Whittaker is contrastingly calm and collected throughout the film and guides the younger members of the office with his wisdom. In contrast, Hathaway portrays a character that is busy and hardworking. The film establishes a great relationship between the two through the characterization of their experience and positions, making for one of the key viewing points of the film.

The film lacks an expansive setting or visual stimulus, and the soundtrack can be left wanting more. However, the film makes great use of the interaction between Whittaker and the younger members of the workplace he imparts wisdom and experience and they trust and enfold him. the film creates a strong narrative with good characterization and as such gets 3.5/5 for our review

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