Tuesday 13 October 2015

Now You See Me

Now You See Me (2013) is a flashy and enjoyable thriller directed by Louis Leterrier. Leterrier cleverly combines a heist movie with a twisty thriller, providing his audience with a pleasurable and entertaining movie. Now You See Me centres on an officer (Mark Ruffalo) pursuing a group of the world’s greatest illusionists, The Four Horsemen (Woody Harrelson, Jessie Eisenberg, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco). The Four Horsemen’s performances involve audacious heists of large, immoral corporations- their earnings are then dramatically returned to their audience.

Leterrier develops the story line while providing the audience with amusing illusion scenes that combine the delights of a real life magic show with intriguing and essential plot elements. There is an obvious demand and expectation for illusion and magic tricks, and Leterrier delivers on this. This being said however, audiences must be willing to take a leap of faith and believe some of the farfetched scenarios.

A surprising revelation towards the end of the film adds to the audience’s pleasure. While the exposure was handled a little clumsily, it still achieves what it set out to. All cast members help elevate the already strong story line, each creating an interesting and indispensable character. Now You See Me is a sleek, glamorous bank-heist-meets-thriller film that entertains the audience from start to finish. While Leterrier leaves some questions unanswered and some of the antics are fanciful, if audiences go into the movie with a trusting, almost child-like, mindset they are guaranteed to enjoy Now You See Me.

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